[JULI 2022] Playlist Lagu Viral Hits Spotify, Jiggle Jiggle dan Sunroof


[JULI 2022] Playlist Lagu Viral Hits Spotify, Jiggle Jiggle dan Sunroof

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Ilustrasi Spotify, (Foto: Freepik)
Ilustrasi Spotify, (Foto: Freepik)

16. House of Memories - Panic! At The Disco17. Sat It Right - Nelly Furtado

18. Sex, Drugs, Etc - Beach Weather19. Dandelions, Slowed Reverb - Ruth B, Slater

20. Bad Habit - Steve Lacy21. Wait a Minute! - Willow

22. Glimpse of Us - Joji23. As It Was - Harry Styles

24. Tom's Diner - Annen May Kantereit, Giant Rooks25. Iris - The Goo Goo Dolls

Selengkapnya klik DI SINI.Demikian playlist yang siap menemani hari-hari bersantaimu dan juga bisa menemaimu disaat ditumpuk pekerjaan. Semoga bermanfaat ygy. (KK)

Editor : Saridal Maijar
Sumber : 94357

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