B. The ways to catch the sunlight.C. The tips how to prevent sunburn.
D. The information how to apply sunscreen.E. The warning to avoid sunlight during the day time
Jawaban: C24. What is the writer’s intention in writing the text?
A. To explain how to stay out during the day.B. To discuss the information about sunburn.
C. To give some suggestion to avoid sunburn.D. To tell the important ways to protect the sun.
E. To describe how to apply the sunscreen shampoo.Jawaban: C25. What should we wear to avoid sunburn?A. Long-sleeved cotton shirt.
B. Sleeved satin dress.C. Wool sweater.
D. Backless shirt.E. Plastic cover up.
Jawaban: A26. Why should we spend indoors between 10,00 and 15.00?
Editor : Saridal MaijarSumber : 67197